I'm Getting Nuttin' For Christmas Broke my boogie mat on Tiffany's hed;
Oh I tink she snitshed on mwe. I hid a dead frog in Chrissy's bed; Oh I tink she snitshed on mwe. I spilled
sum milk on Meowmie's rug; I mayd Charlie eat a bug; But isn't dat good!!! Oh I tink somebody snitshed on
CHORUS: Oh, I gettin' nuttin' for Christmas Meowmie and fafur are mad. I'm gettin' nuttin'
for Christmas 'Cauws I ain't been nuttin' but bad.
I won't be seeing Santa Claws; OH cauwse' sumbody snitched
on mwe. He won't come visit mwe becaws Sumebody snitched on me. Next year I bees goin strayet; Next year I
bees good, just waits I wuds start nows, but it tu late; Cause' somebody snitched on me. So you bedder be good
whaderur mew do 'Cawse if mew iz bad, I'z warnin mew, Mew gettin nuttin' fur Christmas tu!!!
Author Unknown

How dull the holidays must be for the catless!!
Who is there to climb the tree and peek out at you from amongst the ornaments?
Who sits innocently at your feet whilst you explain to the neighbor why only the top 1/3 of your tree
is decorated?
Who watches in dismay whilst you lash the tree to the banister with nylon
climbers rope?
Who bats at the end of your pen as you address Christmas cards making them
look as if you contracted a nervous condition?
Who drapes themselves over address books, lists,
etc.. and places you in the uncivilized position of peeling stamps off the cats butt?
Who lays themselves on virgin wrapping paper refusing to budge even as you begin wrapping THEM to see
how far they'll let you get before they MOVE!!?
Who quietly unties the beautiful ribbon you found
on sale because ... well... that's why you put it there right?? I mean, why else would you have
Who sits quietly in your lap on Christmas Eve watching "A Christmas Carol"
with you until you get up to potty and return to find his head wedged in your glass of milk?
Who, on Christmas morning, romps and frolics amongst the discarded paper, boxes, ribbons and bows, spreading
them over an area roughly the size of Rhode Island?
Who can add to the joy
of the season in that unmistakable feline fashion?
How boring is a catless Christmas!
Author Unknown

Click on the angel for a lovely Christmas story!

Chrissy, my Christmas Angel.

Twas the night before Christmas when all thru the house, Not a creature was stirring not
even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, In hopes that St. Nickolaus soon would be
The children all nestled all snug in their beds, With No thought of the dog filling their heads. And
mamma in her kerchief and I in my cap, Knew the dog was cold, but didn't care about that.
When out on the
lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter!
Away to the window
I flew like a flash, Figuring the dog broke his chain and got into the trash.
The moon on the breast of the new
fallen snow Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear- But
Santa Clause with eyes full of tears He unchained the dog once so lively and quick, Last years Xmas present
now painfully sick
More rapid than eagles he called the dog's name And the dog ran right to him despite, all
his pain.
Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer and Vixen. On Comet on Cupid on Donner and Blitzen!
the top of the porch to the top of the wall- Let's find him a home where he'll be loved by all.
I knew
in an instant there'd be no gifts this year, For Santa had made one thing very clear
The gift of a dog is
not just for the season-We had gotten the dog for all the wrong reasons
In our haste to think of the kids-what
a gift! There was one important thing that we missed. A dog should be family, and cared for the same You
don't give a Gift, then put it on a chain
And I heard him explain as he rode out of site YOU WEREN'T GIVEN

On the first day of Christmas when I brought home my tree~ My
12 cats were laughing at me
On the second day of Christmas I saw beneath my tree~
2 mangled garlands and my 12 cats laughing at me
On the third day of Christmas I saw beneath my tree~
3 missing Wise Men 2 mangled garlands and my 12 cats laughing at me
On the fourth day of Christmas I
saw beneath my tree~ 4 males a-spraying 3 missing Wise Men 2 mangled garlands and
my 12 cats laughing at me
On the fifth day of Christmas I saw beneath my tree~
5 shredded gifts 4 males a-spraying 3 missing Wise Men 2 mangled garlands and my 12 cats laughing at me
the sixth day of Christmas I saw beneath my tree~ 6 fallen angels 5 shredded gifts 4
males a-spraying 3 missing Wise Men 2 mangled garlands and my 12 cats laughing at me
On the seventh day
of Christmas I saw beneath my tree~ 7 half-dead rodents 6 fallen angels 5
shredded gifts 4 males a-spraying 3 missing Wise Men 2 mangled garlands and my 12 cats laughing at me
the eighth day of Christmas I saw beneath my tree~ 8 shattered ornaments 7 half-dead
rodents 6 fallen angels 5 shredded gifts 4 males a-spraying 3 missing Wise Men 2 mangled garlands and my
12 cats laughing at me
On the ninth day of Christmas I saw beneath my tree~ 9
chewed-through light strings 8 shattered ornaments 7 half-dead rodents 6 fallen angels 5 shredded gifts 4 males
a-spraying 3 missing Wise Men 2 mangled garlands and my 12 cats laughing at me
On the tenth day of Christmas
I saw beneath my tree~ 10 tinsel hairballs 9 chewed-through light strings 8 shattered ornaments 7 half-dead
rodents 6 fallen angels 5 shredded gifts 4 males a-spraying 3 missing Wise Men 2 mangled garlands and my
12 cats laughing at me
On the eleventh day of Christmas I saw beneath my tree~ 11 broken branches 10
tinsel hairballs 9 chewed-through light strings 8 shattered ornaments 7 half-dead rodents 6 fallen angels 5
shredded gifts 4 males a-spraying 3 missing Wise Men 2 mangled garlands and my 12 cats laughing at me
the twelfth day of Christmas I looked at my poor tree~ 12 cats a-climbing 11 broken
branches 10 tinsel hairballs 9 chewed-through light strings 8 shattered ornaments 7 half-dead rodents 6 fallen
angels 5 shredded gifts 4 males a-spraying 3 missing Wise Men 2 mangled garlands and my 12 cats laughing
at me

Click on this tree for my card
page,& a card for you!

In memory of Dillon, my God-dawg.

Palm trees wave, are you listening? In the pool,
water's glistening, A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight,
Living in a Florida Wonderland. Gone away is the blizzard, Here
to stay is the lizard, A Warm sunny day, we like it that way, Living in a Florida Wonderland.
In the swamps, we will have a picnic, gators, sand
and rattlesnakes and sun. Christmas dinner is an old tradition, It's collard greens and cornbread by the ton.
Later on, we'll perspire, Temperatures rise ever
higher, A warm sunny day, we like it that way, Living in a Florida Wonderland.